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Dublin, Ireland


Tetrahedron in Bottrop, Germany


Study Abroad

England...and more...

During the University Global Business and Digital Arts program had a study abroad term for individuals willing to travel to a different country to study for a term / semester. And of course I took advantage of that!


September 28th, 2018 I travelling to visit my relatives in Germany for a week before starting classes at Lancaster University in England, United Kingdom. It was nervous to travel to a different country alone! I managed to get everything organized and sealed in just fine! Just a bit of culture shock!


While adapting to cultures and travelling to 8 amazing countries, including Greece, I did have school! I took 4 classes during the 3 month term. The courses were: Selling for Entrepreneurs, Networking for Entrepreneurs, Design Interaction, and Design Visualization.


Travelling and experiencing  different countries is the best experience. It very interesting how design change everywhere you go. The places I went were Germany, England, Ireland, Greece, England, Scotland, and Iceland. All beautiful countries and worth the while going.


I learned a lot about interaction design and how it influences everyones lives.



Oia, Santorini, Greece

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